Nomad Headquarters
Home | Nomad Life

As far as I can remember, my life has revolved around car, traveling, adventuring, living and making a living in them. In 2005 Jason Magness and I co-founded YogaSlackers from a car, and since then our company has always had a nomad headquarter. Here are some links to our current and past vehicles. I hope you find them equally interesting and educational.
Sam Salwei
Our Nomad Headquarters
2005 to 2017
For 12 years this 1988 Ford Festiva was our home, office and method of transport. Together we visited all the continental states, 5 Canadian Provinces and Mexico. With over 500,000 miles, the PLC now rests in North Dakota after living a full life.
2017 and counting
In 2017 we decided to upgrade our home. We wanted a larger space to sleep in, the ability to cook inside and air conditioner. The SlackerVan – a 1988 Mitsubishi Delica – gave us two out of our three requests and a lot more.
in progress
The ev4x4 is a work in progress. We are pretty much building from scratch our dream vehicle: a diesel hybrid 4×4.
Nomad Blogs
Check out some of our NomadLife Blogs. You can find post with more topics in our main blog.

What Becoming Students Taught Us About Teaching—and Ourselves
The wanderers of the Peace Love Car flip their perspective and become beginners, learning that it’s OK to fail sometimes Follow the Peace Love Car’s

How to Shower in a Coffee Shop
When you live inside a tiny car, bathing is a lesson in creativity.

The World Is Your Playground The wanderers of the Peace Love Car see life as an adventure, with no limit but your own imagination. It’s a familiar scene: It’s

Living On Your Own Terms, By Your Own Rules It is never too late to live the life of your dreams. I want to die while living fully. When some people see the

How to Live Out of a Car
Here are their main secrets to life on the road and how to maintain a healthy relationship on a mere 28 sqf of living space.

Meet the YogaSlackers Nomad Headquarters
A 1988 Mitsubishi Delica is our home, office and adventure mobile. Check it out.

The PeaceLoveCar: Riding Tiny, Living Big
We are excited to speak about our life during the Covid-19 Pandemic. From full nomads, to gardeners, van upgrades and much more. A 1988 Ford

Nomad Life: On Hold
Did you know that there is not a true antonym for the English noun nomad? We learned this the hard way earlier this year, when we were unexpectedly required to “stay put” and stop living nomadically during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Complete Guide to Vanlife Kitchen
Check out the SlackerVan kitchen setup. After living on the road for over 10 years, Sam (co-founder of YogaSlackers) and Raquel have identify a list of ‘must have’ items for cooking on the road.

A Complete Guide to Car Camping:
Kitchen Edition
After living on the road for over 8 years, we know a thing or two about what you need to cook while traveling. This guide can be used to create your car camping kitchen anywhere you go. Even while flying places!