

Reconnecting at the Berkshire Yoga Festival

After 5 years away from yoga festivals, the Berkshire Yoga Festival gave us the perfect opportunity to reconnect with friends, share our favorite practices, and feel the joy of community once more. From meticulous preparations to transformative workshops, experience the magic of this incredible festival through our journey there and back.

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Climbing, Yoga & More in Puerto Rico

We had the incredible opportunity to partner with Earth Play Retreats for an unforgettable series of events in Cuba and Puerto Rico. After an amazing adventure in Cuba, we returned to my homeland of Puerto Rico for a week brimming with climbing, slacklining, acro, and yoga.

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2XTM Expedition

The “To Cross The Moon (2XTM) Expedition” was a two-year event where we crossed the entire state of North Dakota on snow kites, showcasing the capabilities of wind energy combined with outdoor education.

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Cuba: A comprehensive Packing List

Here is a comprehensive guide to packing for Cuba, designed to help you navigate the challenges and ensure that once you arrive, your focus can be on exploring the beauty of Cuba, rather than worrying about what you might have left behind.

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Quarantine Tested Games

What do we do when we are not slacking, acroyoging, handstanding or climbing mountains? We play games!

Here is a growing list of our favorite games.

We’ve tested all these games on and off the road with adults and children. While traveling to distant places, with multi language players and lately during six months of social distancing and counting.

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Nomad Life: On Hold

Did you know that there is not a true antonym for the English noun nomad? We learned this the hard way earlier this year, when we were unexpectedly required to “stay put” and stop living nomadically during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Sam, Tom and Raquel’s First Adventure

It seems like this trio has been together for a lifetime. While we are used to seeing them climbing, running, alpineering, sup-ing across open waters and generally having “fun” together, their adventures as a trio only date back to 2013. But… that was quite an adventurous start.

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A bathroom with a view

Remember the first time you had to poop in the woods? Raquel sure does. Mainly because it was an unexpected call. Be ready for when nature calls with a few simpe tips.

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Life: A Series of Circles

Sitting on the top of the Maroon Bells she went from sobbing to celebrating. The reason will surprise you as much as it surprised her. Life is uncertain and that can be a good thing.

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eLine Complete Slackline Kit

New eLine Kit Unleashed

The YogaSlackers eLine is has been known for years for it’s ease of use and for being a great travel line. It is now easier to use and an even better travel line. If you are a seasoned slacker, you will immediately appreciate the research and intent that went into the upgrades.

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Eat, Puke, Travel

After traveling for over 10 years as a vegetarian, and now as an aspiring gluten-free vegan, I have come up with a foolproof system for how to nourish myself. The following is a detailed Step-by-Step Guide to traveling and eating on a restrictive diet… and fully enjoy it!

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How to Reduce Your Styling Choices

If I learned anything from Einstein, it is that not thinking about mundane stuff allows your mind to focus on greater ideas. I like to think Einstein and I share a few other things in common: an abnormally large head and our lack of interest in clothing.

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This Is What Fun Feels Like

“Why am I here? Why am I risking my life or my health to be here in the first place? Is this worth it?” It is. I am just experiencing Type II Fun. You don’t know what Type II Fun is? Here is a detailed explanation.

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Sleeping on Ice

After hours walking on the crevasse infected glacier the wind started howling, rain falling in what seemed all directions and the fear of impending doom took over all of us.

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Flying with Style

The simple sight of the airport brought a sense of peace to our minds. But we knew our ‘fight’ to get to Punta Arenas was not over yet. We still had to – somehow – check all our 550 lbs of gear into a domestic flight. and we were determine to do that without paying much for it.

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The Bus, The Bike Box and The Truck

Our bike box is very easy to spot. It is a white triangular box that resembles a gigantic piece of cheese more than a bike box. From the first sight into the office we knew it was not there. Fear, frustration and hopelessness flew through my entire body.

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What to do in a bus station

As daylight percolated through the bus station windows, the station guard asked us to rise. We were woken up twice before: with each guard change, to ensure we were waiting on a bus and not just using the station as a bed and breakfast. Slowly we gathered our belongings and headed outside for the first time.

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