Every time I exchanged an ‘I have to’ for an ‘I get to’ in normal everyday life, I was allowing myself to express gratitude and appreciation towards the things that I have.
Sitting on the top of the Maroon Bells she went from sobbing to celebrating. The reason will surprise you as much as it surprised her. Life is uncertain and that can be a good thing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9pv-XNruW8&list=PLFPivgVhsElEcxd-DBNbw4V63jFS933Y7&index=6&t=0s It is never too late to live the life of your dreams. I want to die while living fully. When some people see the Peace Love Car they simply
The wanderers of the Peace Love Car flip their perspective and become beginners, learning that it’s OK to fail sometimes Follow the Peace Love Car’s adventures all over North America!