Slackline Workshop in Cairo
YogaSlackers are visiting Egypt and working in collaboration with AcroEgypt to bring you TWO exciting workshops.
Saturday 8 April
✨ Workshop ONE – Slackline Yoga: Foundations ✨
Open level workshop where you will learn the five essential ways to connect to the slackline and explore the foundational poses deeply. New practitioners will focus on learning the foundational poses for the first time while more experienced slackliners will have the opportunity to connect with the foundational principles associated with each pose, refine their movements, balance point and endurance.
– 2:00 – 3:30pm –
✨ Workshop TWO – Introduction To Slackro ✨
Partner acrobatics style inspired by slacklining, using similar movements and balancing techniques. You will explore how to co-share the balance between bases and flyers, improve your focus and coordination and gain confidence in your acro skills. Just come and try!
– 3:45 – 5:15pm –
✨ 500le for each workshop
✨ Bring a friend and you BOTH get 10% off.
✨ Sign up for both workshops and pay only 900le
Sam Salwei and Raquel teach yoga, slackline yoga, acroyoga, handstands around the world. Their teaching practice is characterized by safe and thoughtful progressions, allowing students to quickly progress from “I can’t” to “I just did that!
Advance registration and 50% deposit is required to secure your place. All deposits are non-refundable within one week of the start date of the course/workshop…earlier than one week we will refund 80% of the deposit but retain a 20% administration fee.